Selasa, 21 April 2020

Akhirnya Ku Menemukanmu

      Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. A journey without a struggle isn’t a journey but a piece of happines. Saya, bersyukur, allhamdulillahillazi bini’matihi tattimusholihat atas hidayah sunnah yang saya peroleh di usia yang mendekati kepala dua. I hope you’ll find this way, too. Semoga Allah mengizinkan kita untuk istiqomah di atas manhaj yang haq ini. Aamiin.
       Mengenai perjalanan menggapai suatu tujuan, setiap insan ku yakin mempunyai cerita masing-masing. Kadang, ceritanya tidak mampu untuk diceritakan atau memilih untuk tidak ingin menceritakannya. Aku berpendapat, boleh saja.  Semua orang punya hak atas diri mereka, tetapi harus diingat hak diri terhadap Allah. Setidaknya ada dua pilihan untuk suatu pilihan yang tidak ada pilihan, tentu saja dengan konsekuensinya. Pilihan itu adalah iya atau tidak. Maksudku begini, walaupun kamu hanya ada pilihan ‘iya’, tetap saja kamu bisa memilih ‘tidak’. Semua tergantung situasi dan kondisi yang sedang dihaapi. Namun,  kemungkinan lain bisa saja terjadi atas kuasa Allah.
      Well, the first time I started to think when I saw a video about yasinan wasn’t allowed in Islam and then I found another video that showed yasinan was allowed (I wanna say thank you to him because I saw it in his facebook feeds, he is a friend of my friend, I can’t mention him here). I was confused. But, I was still on my thinking and didn’t ask anyone. At that time, I was as a secretary of spiritual department of an organisation  in my major. I found another video that said music is haraaam and I found another video that contradiction with the first video I’ve found. I mean when I found one was permitted and the other was vice versa and so on.

As a young girl, I started to ask to my self  “Why? Why it can be happen? What was the right one? And who should be followed by me?.”

           My team and I should made an event about Islamic annyversary. I didn’t know, I was doubt to do that. I was afraid. And at the end, I found that an inovation of worship (religious matters) called bid’ah. Once again, I didnt understand what was that. I started to ask my friend after our class. I asked him “What is bid’ah? I ever heard that, but I dont know what is that exactly.” He answered me quickly because I thought he had a meeting “Nov, there is a bid’ah hasanah and bid’ah dolalah but later on I’ll explain to you.” When I heard that, I still didn’t understand. I found new term instead. Hehe. I continued to seacrh by my self and didn’t ask to anyone after that. The event we’ve made was only ‘Buka Bersama’, there was no other event (Isra’ Mi’raj or Maulid etc.). Allhamdulillah. Because at that time I read and I asked to a friend of my friend, he said “it is not good to help in violation of Allah’s law (sin) [it was on August, 22nd 2017). I thought twice before we took an action and deciced to settle other event.
          Well, it was hard to find a friend with samiliar of thingking. Most of them didn’t agree with me. When I started to ask and discussion with them they said ‘No, no, no Nov,” without listen to me carefully. I even received from someone a message “don’t learn from google. It is not valid.” I cried at that time. I couldn’t help my self. I couldn’t control my self. My tears came out without permission.
        One day, I looked a brochure on faebook that there will be a ‘Safari Dakwah’ of Ustadz Syafiq Riza Basalamah on March, 10-11 2018. I posted in my whatsapp status and someone offered me to join them (Jazakillahu khairan, Mbaak). Masyaa Allah. I found many people with simliar thinking with me there. Allhamdulillah.
         I found my junior of my major when we wanted to go Palembang from Indralaya. I was on a whatsapp group where we planned to go together. After that ‘Safari Dakwah’ I started to ask them many things what I wanted to know. Jazakillahu khairan, Umm. I slowly knew what we call this way. My younger sister said ‘It is Manhaj Salaf’. Masyaa Allah, I found you.
         Akhirnya ku menemukanmu. Allhamdulillahillazi bini’matihi tatti mussolihat. Bismillah. Semangatttt. Senang sekali bisa ada pada jalan ini, bahkan setelah pulang ke rumah, yang saya pelajari dan yang Abah saya pelajari ternyata sama. Jadi, apa yang jadi topik pembicaraan kami menjadi sama. Masyaa Allah, jadi connect each other klo ngobrol bareng dan Emak, adik-adikku yang lain mengikuti, masyaa Allah.

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