Minggu, 12 Maret 2023

Second Flight of PUKL MUBA for LTKL

My second flight as PUKL MUBA for LTKL  (Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari)  was about Bootcamp Sekre LTKL 2O23 (March 5th - March 11th 2023) at Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. I was excited for going there. I imagined that I will meet Kak Gita there. Let's check Instagram Kak Gita. I met Kak Cerli from Siak as the young enterpreneur and Skelas former. She waited for me about 3 hour before I landed at YIA (Yogyakarta International Airport). She wear green blouse and green veil when the first time we met at YIA AW restaurant. Thank you for waiting me, Kak.

By the way, it was my first flight by my self. Usually, there were people with me. Even we made it by group because of study tour and a competition. It was nice walking alone, in fact. I like it! I need it, more, more, and more. 

This flight made me realized that I am strong and I can do it by my self! A little bit worried at the first time but not bad at all. It was great journey! My first transit flight. I am going to have other flights transit. Yes! yes, yes! Thank you Uda for assigned me to Bootcamp Sekre LTKL 2023!

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