I don't believe this, we just talked few weeks ago. I asked him about our job because I saw him out of group. He said "Halo Novi, maaf selama 2 bulan ini aku sedang sakit jadi belum bisa aktif lagi. Mohon doanya ya Nov."
I said to him "Get well soon Kakak." I also got the information from him that tomorrow was his surgical operation schedule. We prayed and I said for remembering Allah 'dzikir' during his time.
I sent a message to him to give him a support the next day. I wrote "Kak Marwaaaaaaan, selamat pagi, semangatttttttt hari ini. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim." He thanked me.
Two days after that on August, 9th 2021; I sent a message to him to ask how about his surgical operation. He said "All is well. Allhamdulillah."
We have an event for today and the next day, I am a report team. Kak Marwan is one of my tutor. He inspired me and advised me. I looked at instagram story and Kak Marwan has passed away. My tears came down without permission. He is kind person. "May you get a beautiful place, Kak."
You have left us but memory you left will stay forever in our heart, Kak Marwan! You have been with Allah there. May all the pain you had is now gone.

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