Rabu, 02 November 2022

Inkubator Peneliti Muda Lanskap (IPML) #lastday


         Tidak pandai dalam mengucapkan kata-kata, apalagi tentang kesan dan pesan yang mendalam, dengan usia yang tidak remaja, sebisa mungkin saya terlihat kuat dan seperti pada umumnya manusia-manusia dewasa yang selama ini ada dibenakku: sempurna dan tau segalanya. Menangis mungkin salah satu caraku mengungkapkan yang kurasa. Mungkin lega karena semua anggota tim mampu menyelesaikannya sampai akhir kegiatan ini, ada pula rasa sedih semua kebersamaan dan hal-hal gila ini akan segera berakhir dan sadar tidak akan sama lagi jikalaupun akan terulang, baik orang ataupun pengalaman yang akan dilewati. Mungkin itu yang saya ingin ucapkan, namun tidak mampu terucap karena sudah terlalu emosional dengan keadaan: hari terkahir bersama setelah melalui banyak pelajaran-pelajaran hidup selama satu bulan lebih di banyak desa.
        Sejak awal permainan 'tulis-menulis' ini saya sudah menduga, saya akan terbawa suasana, saya tidak kuasa untuk hal-hal yang seperti ini. Apalagi untuk beberapa kesempatan, ada beberapa hal yang harus saya kerjakan dalam waktu yang bersamaan dan mungkin saja sebenarnya beberapa orang keberatan. Lain kesempatan, ada beberapa kelupaan, yang harus merepotkan. Mungkin, ada hal lain ataupun beberapa hal yang tetap tidak bisa saya tuliskan. Tolong dimaafkan.
Disaat beberapa teman-teman sudah menyampaikan ungkapannya, mataku sudah berkaca-kaca, sesekali dengan diam-diam: yah, meneteskan air mata sembari berharap, janganlah saya mendapatkan giliran awal atau tengah-tengah, alangkah lama waktu saya menangis, pikirku. Wkwk. Maklum, perlu waktu untuk meredakan emosi menangis ini. Hehe.
        Tujuan awal menulis ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan beberapa kata yang tidak  mampu saya ucapkan selama permainan tempo hari. Kurasa kebanyakan tau, betapa bahagia dan bersyukurnya saya bertemu tim yang hebat seperti teman-teman sekalian. Terima kasih! Teman-teman luar biasa. "Semua teman-teman mempunyai kesan tersendiri di hati."kalimat yang beberapa kali saya ulang dengan sendu tangisan malam itu.
I'll start to express my first impression about my team. Tim Sumatera Selatan.

Ratu: first time, I saw her, honestly, I was scare (I mean: her expression and how the way she talked to me a little bit made me asked "why'' but  at the end, I saw by myself how she cares about people around her. She is kindhearted and best coordinator for team. I am sorry for my first impression, Tu. Thank you for caring us and esp. me. Till the end, you still next to me before I am leaving the office. Thank you once more!

Ilham: our leader for exhibition, yeay! I didn't know him. First time we talked at Wisma Atlet Palembang because of Kak Nanak's sister is her girlfriend. It's nice to see him. Wow, funny but sometimes a little bit 'garing' and wise man, I think. Expert at videography. Yeay. Recommended.

Kak Ahwan
Javanese, I can guess it after the first time I heard he talked. As expected from Javanese, good attitude and polite. Kak Ahwan will go the extra mile to help people and most of events we've through at villages, he will be the first and last one who left the place because he prepared well all the things (as far as I look after him).

Kak Habib
We are at the same Kejar (group for learning) during online incubation so then we talked many things at Kejar. He is the best of both worlds. Also, coordinator of Lucbi-Cassava water. He is full of insight and unpredictable jokes. Hahaha. It's nice listen to him. As far as I know, he is good at digitasi like Kak Ahwan.

Kak Theo
My partner during the journey at villages by motorbike. I asked many things to him along the journeys, Hehe. First time I wrote his name, 'Wow, who's him? I didn't give much attention until he was my partner during House Hold Survey. He gave me advices and many things (can't be described). Thank you Kak. Classy person and out of the box. Acaii!

Santuy: the youngest and coordinator of IBUSS. I clearly remembered his voice: the way he talked and his voice characteristics. He gave Fitri ans mbak Ocy a bottle of coffee 'nescafee' at Fabel Homestay before we were back home. 

We were at the same major. I am happy to know him in this event. I just heard his name at that time, he was an active student because I often heard his name. I would like to say he worked silently and finished it well. Most of time I used to talk to him, he has his own mission and future oriented. Cool man!

Famous because of his habit during sleeping: snoring. I guessed, he is 'talkless do more" philosophy believer. Maasyaaa Allah is his personal branding.

A perfectionist man ever for this event, I guess. Honest and dedicated for PML. Listra-ligots (LL) coordinator, and thank you for being troublesolver to me (I forgot to take geopoint and Muh accompanied me). He has power to make other people okay. First impression: a gentle man, Muh!

Always on cam at online incubator. Young, energetic and smart! A designer for Tim 2 presentation slide: best dah! I believe, he is fast learner.

The first time I saw her, she was familiar to me. "Oh, we are at same faculty, in fact". We talked many things since we were at same Kejar4Lives. We were at the same bedroom and most of time in villages, we were at same bedroom, too. She is people person. Jeme Lahat punye. I like when she talked Jeme Lahat and Java. I like her eyebrows. She is over the moon, now. I ever talked to her mother about her boyfriend. Getting married soon, Zu! 

The fartest one from Pati Central Java to Palembang South Sumatra. Wow! She is the one who always remind me to keep my clothes from any dirty things for praying. Best at clean all the things with Ratu. She is  Ratu's bestie. Good at Kancing's game at FGD LL Perempuan. Huge hug from me to her 🤗 Thank you, Rida. Let's us make a spectacular event for our exhibition. 

Kak Novia
Kak Novia and I have same date and year of birth. Haha. We are twin but different parent. She helped me to find my cuisoner data at Kepayang. We were at same bed in Muara Medak and Kepayang, just two of us. Thank you Kakak. She is best at singing. At the first time, I guessed, she is quite type, but no, she is an active and strong girl. 

She is my partner for final task. A caring girl to me! A place to borrow hunger. Hihihi. I just know, her voice is clear and on point. I believe, she has potential to be a host. Thank you for writing with me 🤗

My sister, we were at the same bedroom at the first time in Palembang. She is crazy. Hahaha. I mean, she is responsive person. Her statements make other people laughing easily. 

She is people person. Care to other people, she makes me realize that it's nice to care to other people. Thank you, Narul. She accompanied me, sent my documents. Once more, thank you 🥺

Mbak Ocy
I like when she wears her sandals. It fits her. A smart young girl. Her face is full of expression. I mean, she is funny. She has many expression of conditions. Unique. 

Kak Ririn
Million people in the earth and I met her 😂 What an amazing moment at the first time we talked the same person. She is kind to everyone especially me. Thank you, Kak Rin. Let's us sent a report to Kakak! Thank you for giving me permission to take pic of you and sent it to Kakak (I didnt have it, in fact). I got it silently. Haha. Sorry. Let's us go to beauty clinic. Hehe.

Pada dasarnya, tetap saja saya cukup malu untuk mengungkapkan perasaan saya. Maka, saya lebih leluasa menuliskannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Saya kumpulkan dulu keberanian-keberanian dalam diri ya. Tidak berjanji kepada kalian semua, tapi saya sendiri pun ingin menuliskannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia nantinya. Saat aku meluangkan waktu di kesempatan lain ya.

Perjalanan kebersamaan ini akan segera berakhir, acara puncak dari kegiatan ini adalah Eksibisi: Diskusi Lanskap dan Pentas Seni. Sebentar lagi, 30 November kiranya diprediksi. Nanti, nanti, setelah ini, tetap saling sapa ya sesekali, sekedar menanyakan kabar atau menyampaikan kabar bahagia, atau hal lainnya sekedar untuk nostalgia.

Semoga berjalan dengan lancar semua yang sudah dipersiapkan oleh kita semua ya. Semoga Allah menjaga kita semua. Aamiin.

2 komentar:

  1. Aaaaaaaa i miss u guysss... bakalan jd cerita terindah sepanjang masa karena bisa berjumpa orang2 keren spt kalian 😍...

  2. Siap Zuzuzu. Peyuuk duyuuu 🤗🤗🤗 Semoga sehat teruss yaaa...
